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Heroku Automated Dashboard

AppSignal's automated Heroku dashboard gives critical insights into your Heroku app's metrics, with dedicated dashboards for Heroku status codes as well as Redis and PostgreSQL instances.

All your Heroku metrics in one place


Click anywhere on any graph on the Heroku dashboard to see a snapshot of your application's core metrics. Monitor your Heroku app's HTTP status codes and other core metrics like Redis/PostgreSQL server memory, active connections and CPU.

AppSignal's automated Heroku dashboards give you the insights needed to make proactive and data-driven decisions. Create triggers to alert you when your run Heroku metrics meet specific thresholds, like when 500 status codes are detected, Redis server load average spikes or PostgreSQL active connections dip.

Metrics tracked on the Heroku dashboard

Status codes
Status code responses to HTTP requests (2xx, 3xx, 4xx, ...).
Active connections
Number of connections currently established on the Redis and/or PostgreSQL instance.
Hit rate
Number of operations for which the requested value was successfully cached by Redis.
Evicted keys
Number of keys automatically removed from a Redis instance due to it reaching its memory limit.
The approximate amount of memory that was used by your Redis and/or PostgreSQL processes.
Server load average
The average CPU load on the Redis and/or PostgreSQL server.
Server I/O
The amount of read and write I/O operations (in 16kB blocks) performed by your Redis and/or PostgreSQL server.
Server memory
The memory status on your Redis and/or PostgreSQL server.
Database size
The number of bytes of data corresponding to your PostgreSQL database on disk.
Table size
The number of tables in the PostgreSQL database.
Index cache hit rate
The ratio of index lookups that are successfully resolved by consulting the PostgreSQL shared buffer cache.
Table cache hit rate
Ratio of table lookups served from shared buffer cache, rounded to five decimal points.
Active connections
The number of active connections established on the PostgreSQL database.
Waiting connections
The number of connections waiting to be established on the PostgreSQL database.

Solve common Heroku issues

Automated Dashboards give you instant insights into your application's high-impact Heroku metrics, helping you to answer important performance questions:

Why is my Heroku app returning error codes?
How much memory is my PostgreSQL/Redis instance on Heroku using?
How large is my Heroku app's PostgreSQL database?
How high is my Heroku app's Redis/PostgreSQL CPU?
How many active connections does my Redis/PostgreSQL instance on Heroku have?

Ready to monitor your Heroku metrics?

Experience the power of AppSignal's Heroku monitoring in minutes! Simply sign up, install AppSignal, and we'll automatically create dashboards that track your Heroku app's metrics and help you get the answers you need for your monitoring questions!

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