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PostgreSQL Automated Dashboard

AppSignal's automated PostgreSQL dashboard provides instant real-time insights into essential database metrics from your Vector app, enabling you to optimize your database effectively.

All your PostgreSQL metrics in one place


Just one click on any point of a graph on your Vector PostgreSQL dashboard gives you an instant snapshot of your database at that moment. Dive deep into metrics like database deadlocks, active connections, temporary file usage, and transaction commits or rollbacks.

AppSignal's PostgreSQL automated dashboard for Vector gives you the insights needed to make proactive and data-driven decisions. Diagnose issues and investigate errors with easy access to your application logs for even faster debugging.

Metrics tracked on the PostgreSQL dashboard

Fetched rows
Number of rows fetched by queries.
Returned rows
Number of rows returned by queries.
Inserted rows
Number of rows inserted by queries.
Updated rows
Number of rows updated by queries.
Deleted rows
Number of rows deleted by queries.
Transactions committed
Number of transactions committed.
Transactions rolled back
Number of transactions rolled back.
Deadlocks detected
Number of deadlocks detected.
Database backends
Number of backends currently connected to the databases.
Data written to temporary files
Total amount of data written to temporary files by queries.
Temporary files written
Number of temporary files written by queries in databases.

Solve common PostgreSQL issues

Automated Dashboards give you instant insights into your application's high-impact PostgreSQL metrics, helping you to answer important performance questions:

What caused a spike in database deadlocks?
How many active connections does my PostgreSQL database have?
Why are my database transactions getting rolled back?
How many transactions are being processed by my database?

Ready to monitor your Vector app's PostgreSQL metrics?

Experience the power of AppSignal's PostgreSQL monitoring in minutes! Simply sign up, install AppSignal, and configure the AppSignal Vector sink. We'll automatically create dashboards that track your Vector app's PostgreSQL database to optimize your database's performance!

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Don’t let the bad bugs bite. Try AppSignal for free.

AppSignal offers a 30-day free trial, no credit card is required. All features are available in all plans. Start monitoring your application in just a few clicks!