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NGINX Automated Dashboard

AppSignal's automated NGINX dashboard gives critical insights into your NGINX app's metrics like Upstream response time, throughput, request time and more.

All your NGINX metrics in one place


Click any graph on the NGINX dashboard for an instant snapshot of your application's core metrics at that point in time. Monitor all of the NGINX metrics you need in one place to optimize your application's responsiveness and scalability.

AppSignal's NGINX automated dashboard gives developers the high-impact insights needed to make data-driven decisions and optimizations. Create triggers to alert you when throughput spikes or connection counts crash.

Metrics tracked on the NGINX dashboard

Request time
The time your NGINX server takes to respond to a request, as a per-minute mean and 95th percentile.
A count of the requests handled by your NGINX server.
Request length
The length in bytes of the request received from the client by your NGINX server, as a per-minute mean and 95th percentile.
Response length
The length in bytes of the response sent to the client by your NGINX server, as a per-minute mean and 95th percentile.
Status codes
A count of the status codes of the responses sent by your NGINX server.
A gauge of the connections currently being handled by your NGINX server, measured once per minute and segmented by connection status.
Upstream status codes
A count of the status codes of the responses sent by the upstream servers that your NGINX server proxies from.
Upstream response time
The time taken to respond to a request by the upstream servers that your NGINX server proxies from, as a per-minute mean and 95th percentile.
Upstream cache status
The cache status (such as HIT or MISS) when handling a cached request proxied from an upstream server.

Solve common NGINX issues

Automated Dashboards give you instant insights into your application's high-impact NGINX metrics, helping you to answer important performance questions:

What is my application's throughput?
How is my application responding to requests?
How many people are trying to connect to my app?
How long is it taking for my app to respond to connection requests?
What is my application's upstream response time?

Ready to monitor your NGINX metrics?

Experience the power of AppSignal's NGINX monitoring in minutes! Simply sign up, install AppSignal, and we'll automatically create dashboards that track your NGINX app's metrics and help you get the answers you need for your monitoring questions!

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