MongoDB Automated Dashboard
With AppSignal's automated MongoDB dashboard, you gain instant insights into critical MongoDB metrics. With throughput and query duration metrics, you can quickly spot and investigate slow MongoDB queries and bottlenecks before they negatively impact your app's performance.
All your MongoDB metrics in one place

A simple click on any point of any graph on your dashboard will give you an instant snapshot of your application at that point in time. Dive deep into your MongoDB performance, find bottlenecks and slow MongoDB queries with easy access to your application logs for even faster debugging.
MongoDB dashboards give you the insights needed to make proactive and data-driven decisions. You can also stay ahead of issues by setting up triggers to alert you when your MongoDB requests take too long or when your database throughput gets too low.
Metrics tracked on the MongoDB dashboard
Solve common MongoDB issues
Automated Dashboards give you instant insights into your application's high-impact MongoDB metrics, helping you to answer important performance questions:
Ready to monitor your MongoDB metrics?
Experience the power of AppSignal's MongoDB monitoring in minutes! Simply sign up, install AppSignal, and we'll automatically create dashboards that track your application's MongoDB metrics and help you get the answers you need for your monitoring questions!